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Your donation to Tin Mountain Conservation Center makes a difference!
It is with your support that we promote an appreciation of the natural environment and encourage good stewardship of those resources through research and school, camp & community programs. Thank you.
Make a Legacy Gift
How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to be known for? What’s your legacy? Barbara Rockwell Henry's legacy began in 1980 when she formed Tin Mountain Conservation Center from her land in Jackson, NH. Since then, her legacy of environmental education, conservation research, getting children outside and fostering future generations of environmental stewards continues through the ongoing programs, projects and classes offered by Tin Mountain. Now, in addition to joining and supporting Tin Mountain as a member and/or volunteer, you can support our programs through planned giving. By becoming a member of the Barbara Rockwell Henry Legacy Society, you, like Barbara, can build a legacy pf protecting the natural world. Whether you’re just beginning the estate planning process or updating an existing plan, Tin Mountain Conservation Center is available to help you pass on your love of the environment.

Planned legacy gifts come in all shapes and sizes depending on each individual’s desire and ability.
Making a charitable gift while you’re alive allows you to witness and experience the positive impact of your gift. These gifts include establishing a foundation, a donor advised Fund, various charitable trust options, and IRA gifts.
Contact Lori Kinsey by email or phone 603-447-6991for more information on the Barbara Rockwell Henry Legacy Society and to learn how you can become a member.