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Homeschool Registration Form

First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *

Is there anything our staff needs to know about your child (medical, emotional, physical, etc.)?

Additional information

Emergency Contact Information

First Name *
Last Name *

Medical Consent

By checking this box below, I agree to permit hospital/emergency personnel to begin emergency treatment rather than delay, while a parent/guardian's permission is obtained.  Please complete the fields below with the name of the legal guardian.

Medical Consent
First Name *
Last Name *

Emergency Treatment

I understand that by checking the box below, I authorize the Tin Mountain staff to carry out standard first aid and CPR, including treatment for severe allergic reactions, and to arrange for emergency care for my minor child/ward as the staff deems necessary. I authorize hospital personnel to provide emergency medical treatment for my child/ward.

Authorization for emergency medical treatment

Release Form

Although the Tin Mountain staff is trained to minimize accidents, events in the outdoors can create hazards for our program participants. Accordingly, our insurance carrier requires a release signed by each participant.

By checking the box below, I permit my child/ward to participate in the homeschool program that is organized and administered by Tin Mountain Conservation Center. I am familiar with and recognize the risks inherent in the program and I assume all the risks of injury and loss arising or resulting from my child's/ward's participation, hereby releasing and holding harmless Tin Mountain Conservation Center, its employees, or agents, from liability for any such injury or loss.

Unless otherwise determined, I allow my child/ward to appear in photographs taken and used for the sole purpose of promoting Tin Mountain Conservation Center in a variety of publications, on its website and through social media.

Consent for Release Form
Credit Card Information
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover
Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged