Is there anything our staff needs to know about your child (medical, emotional, physical, etc.)?
Medical Consent
By checking this box below, I agree to permit hospital/emergency personnel to begin emergency treatment rather than delay, while a parent/guardian's permission is obtained. Please complete the fields below with the name of the legal guardian.
Emergency Treatment
I understand that by checking the box below, I authorize the Tin Mountain staff to carry out standard first aid and CPR, including treatment for severe allergic reactions, and to arrange for emergency care for my minor child/ward as the staff deems necessary. I authorize hospital personnel to provide emergency medical treatment for my child/ward.
Release Form
Although the Tin Mountain staff is trained to minimize accidents, events in the outdoors can create hazards for our program participants. Accordingly, our insurance carrier requires a release signed by each participant.
By checking the box below, I permit my child/ward to participate in the homeschool program that is organized and administered by Tin Mountain Conservation Center. I am familiar with and recognize the risks inherent in the program and I assume all the risks of injury and loss arising or resulting from my child's/ward's participation, hereby releasing and holding harmless Tin Mountain Conservation Center, its employees, or agents, from liability for any such injury or loss.
Unless otherwise determined, I allow my child/ward to appear in photographs taken and used for the sole purpose of promoting Tin Mountain Conservation Center in a variety of publications, on its website and through social media.