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Big Night


Each spring, on the first warm, rainy night of the season, amphibians emerge from their underground over-wintering locations to travel to vernal breeding pools where they mate and lay eggs. Thousands of salamanders and frogs move across the landscape at this time. In New Hampshire, pioneered by the Harris Center for Conservation Education, volunteers provide safe crossings for thousands of amphibians throughout the state. 

"Big Night" is when volunteers work to safely move these traveling amphibians across the road. If you are unable to help move amphibians, one of the most beneficial things you can do is to avoid driving during these warm, rainy, early spring evenings. "Big Nights" typically occur in early April, but information on the likelihood of amphibian movement on any given spring night can be found here.

2025 Information

  • A presentation on New Hampshire amphibians and our Big Night community science effort will take place Thursday, March 20th at 7pm at Tin Mountain.
  • In early spring, sign up for "Big Night" Alert to receive information regarding when the event will take place. We cannot plan the date in advance as these large scale amphibian movements take place on first warm, rainy evening in spring.