Since 1983, the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) has been leading butterfly counts throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. Tin Mountain Conservation Center leads a monitoring team to count butterflies within a 15 mile radius of a fixed location within the Mount Washington Valley. Training sessions cover how to count, identify and record the butterflies. Several training sessions are offered by numerous organizations, including Tin Mountain, to familiarize volunteers with butterfly identification before the official count day in July. We look forward to having you join Tin Mountain in this community science endeavor!
2025 Butterfly Identification Training
Butterfly ID webinars begin February 12th, 2025 through the New Hampshire Butterfly Monitoring Network. Register here.
2025 Important Information
- The Conway Area Butterfly Count will take place on Saturday, July 19th (rain date is Sunday, July 20)
- This year's count will be a half day, making it a more family-friendly event
- More details to come!